Friday, November 17, 2006


So I missed last week's game

I was on campus for the Oregon game with The Wife and 4-year-old daughter. We arrived round 10am and tailgated with friends for around 9 hours before the 7pm start time. My daughter refused to take a nap during the day, and as a result she threw a temper tantrum. So we drove home and I watched the rest of the game on TV. The Wife did her best to make it up to me.

Sadly, this may be the last game we take our daughter to for awhile. It was her first game this year because she is getting big, and the ticket office would not let us buy another seat. She has attended 10+ games going back to the 2003 Orange Bowl win over Iowa when she was just 8 1/2 months old.

I told The Wife that if we take our daughter to another game this year, that we will have to drug her with Benadryl to ensure that she takes a nap before the game. The Wife did not disagree.

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