Wednesday, December 27, 2006


My Boy!!!

The Wife is now 7 months pregnant with My Boy!!! At the end of October he was photographed with the family jewels on full display. Of course I was proud of this shot. The first thought that came into my mind was "He must be having a really good dream". Unfortunately, this ultrasound revealed a possible problem of placenta previa, which would require a Cesarean Section. I kept referring to it as "Placenta Primavera" - which must be one nasty pasta dish.

Well, a week ago we had a second ultrasound. And although we have not gotten the official word from the Doctor, it looks like there will be no complications. Thank God. The Wife can have a natural childbirth and My Boy!!! will get to show what he is made of when he gets his chance to push his way out.

Pictures from the second ultrasound possibly show My Boy!!!'s confidence in being a complication-free pregnancy, considering that he seems to be giving the hand gesture that every thing is "Okay".

However, on closer inspection, it seems that he is a little pissed that we keep intruding on his privacy to capture shots of his dinky.

Not even born yet and he's already giving the finger. I am sooooooo proud (wiping a tear from my eye). They just grow up so fast these days.

Congratulations, and I hope for a safe delivery for all involved. Especially you. Try not to faint because your wife will never let you live it down.
No worries, I'm experienced now. In fact, on the first one I started cheering like I would do at an SC game.

I was yelling at my wife, "Come on! Push! Push! Come one, baby! One time! One time!"

The nurses complimented me on my enthusiasm, but my wife would later tell me that she only pushed becuase she hoped that would make me shut up.
Well, it's probably better that you cheered her on rather than lifting her up over your head to show off your prowess & enthusiasm. :-)
Good point, k.j.

However, during SC games I would lift my infant daughter over my head up and down when the rest of the crowd was doing air pushups.
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