Friday, February 02, 2007


More Reggie

My personal theory about what actually happened in the "Reggie Bush Situation":

LaMarr Griffin (Reggie Bush's stepdad) knew Lloyd Lake (the felon) because they grew up in the same neighborhood. At some point, Lake and Griffin get together and Griffin says starting a agency would be a good idea - even though nobody involved knows what the hell they are doing. So Lake says he knows a guy named Michael Michaels who has resources (because he invests in Real Estate and is a member of a Tribe that runs Indian Casinos). So these bumbling idiots try to start an agency and fail, because they can't get extra funding from a San Diego-area Indian Tribe, and their job offers get turned down by real, NFL-certified, agents. They have a sports marketing company in name only. If they ever employed an actual agent, they would have called it an agency instead. No employees. No office. No company transactions. Then Lake does something stupid and goes to prison. Reggie and the Griffins decide they can't mess around, and go with a top-notch agent. Instead of these clowns - who could never get to the point where they could have represented Reggie anyway.

So Lake cries foul and starts making wild accusations to Yahoo! Sports, grossly overestimating money owed to him. Griffin says, hey these were personal loans between friends (credit card debt and housing situation), not part of a failed business venture. Lake says his money is always business and threatens to sue. The Griffins and Bush say it is extortion and call the Feds to investigate. Lake/Michaels threatens to keep tarnishing Bush reputation until he pays up. Then at some point Lake and Micheals find out that if they call any loans are business and not personal, jeopardizing Bush's NCAA eligibility, then they could go to jail for violating the state's Agent Law. Michaels was always more of a financial investor, doesn't want to go to jail, hires his own attorney and separates himself from Lake.

So now it seems they just want a lower settlement, and are still using Yahoo! Sports to pressure Bush. Yahoo! Sports is overjoyed at continuing to be puppets for a convicted felon's attempts to extort money from Bush and ruin his reputation. Bush and the Griffins maybe are listening to offers, or maybe they are telling Lake's attorney and Micheals' attorney to perform an anatomically-impossible sexual act.

Yea, you're not biased or anything. Give me a break.
Please elaborate. Where are the flaws? Show me where I am wrong.

If you prefer to focus on some details and not the others, that is not my fault. I tried to look at the all the details together, and as best as I could, attempted to tell the whole story.
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